Monday, October 21, 2013

Intermittent Fasting & Breakfast Idea

This is an example of one of my typical "breakfasts." I say breakfast in quotes because I do not usually eat breakfast until 11 or 12. I do so because I have been experimenting with intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is essentially fasting for a period of 14-16 hours (most of the hours are while sleeping). There are several benefits of IF and  lean gains gives great insight on this idea. That being said, with IF your meals are typically larger to ensure you get in all your calories and macros for the day.

This meal:
*2 pieces oatmeal bread (2 pieces- 120 calories 24 carbs)
*one slice topped with wild friends cinnamon raisin peanut butter
*one slice topped with organic honey and cinnamon
*chopped veggies, 1 egg and 2 egg whites
*blackberries and strawberries

These are my favorite toppings for any toast. I have explained in a previous post the benefits of the honey and cinnamon combination. When it comes to honey, be sure you are using organic honey. Honey that is not organic takes away from the health benefits of the honey enzymes.
I just recently found wild friends peanut butter and I am SO glad I did. I had it for the first time this morning and I am now OBSESSED! This is an all natural peanut butter that can be found at fresh market or whole foods.
Natural almond butter is my all time go to peanut spread as well. I typically use Justin's almond butter and I highly recommend all the flavors that brand has to offer.

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