Friday, October 25, 2013


10 minute warm up on treadmill- walking on 15.0 incline

Circuit 1: repeat each exercise for :30 with no rest in between exercises but can rest 1 minute between rounds. Repeat 4 times.
- Mountain Climbers
- Straight arm plank
- Weighted sit ups- straight arms
- Chair dips
- Push-ups (can be modified)

Circuit 2: Weights (cable low)
-  Low cable cross overs (start with arms crossed at waist and extend arms straight over head)
- Low cable curls
- Cable pull throughs (straight arms by side and pull straight arms above head)

Circuit 3: Weights (cable high)
- Cable chest flys 
-  High cable curls
- Cable push downs (arms out straight & push down arms next to body)

10 minutes of cardio: 20 seconds on 10 seconds off 
Every 20 seconds do a new exercise with 10 seconds of rest until you reach 10 minutes

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