Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cardio Workout- treadmill and bike

As you can see in this selfie(which i'm new to taking), I am literally dripping sweat. Today's cardio workout was kick a** and I felt AMAZING after. 40 minutes was all it took for me to look and feel like death. Cardio is my favorite day.. if you haven't noticed hehe.

Sweat Pouring Cardio Workout

20 Minute HIIT on Treadmill
   5 minutes- warm up level 7.0
       1 minute- sprint- level 10.5-11.0
       2 minutes- walk on incline- 15 incline at level 4.0
       1 minute jog- level 7.0
           REPEAT X4

20 Minute HITT on Bike
   5 minutes- warm up on level 10
       1 minute- sprint level 15
       2 minutes- standing pedaling level 20
       1 minute - easy pace level 10
            REPEAT X4

Also did 30 minutes of yoga and abs


  1. Hey Meghan! I just discovered your blog through Facebook and already tried out this cardio workout this morning! I seriously thought I was going to die by the end.. but in a good way :) I love your new blog and even shared it on my own blog today! Hope you're doing well and keep the awesome posts coming!!


    1. Hey! Thank you so much for your support! So inspired by people like you! Glad you benefited from the workout, will definitely continue to post more!!
