Friday, January 3, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! My Big News! And a HIIT workout

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! YOU--> with me are going to make this year OUR best year yet! I plan on stepping it up one more notch this year and take my health and fitness to another level. I want to show you all how easy and simple it is to live a life of health and happiness. When you love your self, no matter your body type, you will begin to look at health and fitness in a whole new light. You will not think "ugh dreading the gym again." I want you to think.. I am doing this for me, my mind, my body, and my soul. This will be your YOU time. For many of the workouts I have been doing lately, you absolutely do not need a gym and they usually only take 30 minutes max with warm up and cool down!!

As you may have noticed, I have not been blogging as frequently as I have in the past. However, I do not want you all to think that I have not been taking my fitness seriously! Along with focusing on my health, I have also had some other major big things in the works that I have been focusing on. I am so excited to announce that this year I will be a NEW BUSINESS OWNER!! My family and I, along with our family friends, will be opening a Fab'rik boutique in Nashville, TN! So for those of you who are ever in Nashville.. be sure to come by and see us!! We hope to be opening April 1st :)

With this being said, I will be relocating to Nashville in mid march!!! This year will absolutely be my busiest, craziest, yet most exciting year to date!! At no point this year am I going to allow myself to put my health and fitness lifestyle on the back burner, no matter how busy I may be. Most people's excuse is that they do not have enough time and are too busy to work out or be healthy. My response to that is that you do not want it bad enough. You have to be passionate about yourself and your health to see and make any changes. So, this year I plan to be EXTREMELY busy but I am also excited to kick my fitness up another notch!
My first step in kicking my workouts into high gear is using my new fabulous heart rate monitor that Santa brought me :) This baby is amazing and keeps me on track. It also ensures that my intensity is where it needs to be throughout my entire workout. This 439 calories below was from my quick 35 minute workout that I got in before work yesterday. Quick but High Intensity wins the race for me! 

I ran a 2 mile warm up (15 minutes)
HIIT Workout
Jump Lunges
Jump Squats
:20 seconds on :10 seconds off- Repeat X8 

**Some of my new goals this year**
 *Drink more water
*Reduce processed foods and sweeteners
*Eat less products with gluten
*Incorporate more running into my workout routines
*Continue to not eat meat 

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