Thursday, January 30, 2014

Strength & Cardio Arms

Here is today's cardio & arm circuit. This circuit was done using all body weight (except one exercise), so it can essentially be done anywhere! 

Bike 20 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
:30 sprint
:30 normal pace
1:00 high resistance standing pedaling 
1:00 normal pace 
Repeat until reaching 20 minutes

Circuit 1- :30 seconds on :15 seconds off
*Dumbbell Push ups with alt arm pull back
*Burpees (different variations each round. ex: burpee w/ plank jack, burpee w/ push up, burpee w/ mouton climbers)
*Sit thrus
Repeat X 3

Circuit 2- :30 seconds on :15 seconds off 
*High Knees
*Plank up downs
*Jump Rope
*Plank w/ alt arm & leg raises
Repeat X 3


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