Monday, January 6, 2014

Cardio & Post- Workout Breakfast

This morning was one of those days that was REALLY hard to get out of bed. Last night Jack and I decided that we were going to make it to the gym in the morning, as that is what would best would fit our schedule today (we usually go at night). When my alarm went off this morning, I realzied working out was one of the last things I wanted to do. I knew I had to get over that thought pretty quickly and get my butt out of bed, as this would be the only time I would be able to workout today. So I did it. I rolled out of bed, threw on my warm gym clothes (since its freezing now!! ughh), had my cup of coffee, and got my booty to the gym. Surprisingly I had a great workout despite not even wanting to be at the gym. The point here- Yes, I too have those days where it takes everything I have to get to the gym. 

On my way to the gym I had these goodies that I got from the Charlotte Health and Fitness Expo that we went to yesterday. I love trying new products and I loved both of these! This Access bar (that I had never heard of) allows your body to use your fat during a workout for energy instead of muscle!! I will definitely be purchasing more of these. It was the perfect pre-workout fuel. The sustain sport drink mix keeps you hydrated throughout your workout. It was able to keep me going and tasted so good too! Needless to say, I really like my freebees from the expo yesterday!


Todays cardio workout was a little easier than most. I was so sore this morning, so I listened to my body. I took it kinda easy.

Walk on an incline for 20 minutes- Highest Incline- level 3.8-4.0 
20 minute HIIT (20 sec on, 10 sec off)
fast feet forward and back
high knees
butt kicks
mountain climbers
Repeat X 8


After my workout this morning, Jack made me the perfect post workout breakfast! He made an omelet with one egg, egg whites and veggies, and oatbran topped with honey and cinnamon. I also made myself my favorite post-workout drink that consists of a scoop of wheat grass, half a scoop of vegan chocolate protein (Juice+) and some almond milk. 

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