Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Total Body Circuit: no equipment needed

Run a 5K (3.2 miles) 
warm up- 5 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Jog 1 minute
Sprint 1:30 
Jog 1:30
Sprint 2:00
Jog 2:00
Sprint 1:00
Jog 1:00
Jog fast the remainder of the time

Bench Circuit:
*Bench hops X 20
(hands on bench and hop over bench side to side with both feet)
*1 leg bench step ups (fast) X 20
(one foot on the bench, step up on that foot & tuck up the other knee)
*Other leg bench step ups (fast) X 20
*Tri-cep Dips X 20
*Bench jump ups X 20
(jump up on bench with both feet and hop down)
*Decline Push ups X 10
*Spider Planks X 20

Hip Thrusts Sways X 50
Plank up downs X 10
Skiiers X 20
Single leg squat (no weight) X 15 each leg
Plank 1:00

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