Sunday, February 16, 2014

HIIT Total Body Strength

Warm up on cybex- 10 minutes

*inner thigh pulses (in a side plank with top leg on a bench and lower leg is pulsing up to meet the bench) X 15 per leg
*hip thrusts (first 20- normal, next 20- lifted calves, next 20- knees together when down & open when thrust up)
*mountain climber push ups (4 mountain climbers, tap each shoulder with the opposite hand twice, then a push up) X 15
*wall sit with a weight on thighs X 1 minute
*super mans with leg curl X 20 
*dolphin push up (downward down push up) X 15

*Side leg lifts with weight on hip X 20 each side
*Side leg lift with leg in front with weight on hip X 20 each side
*Side bent leg lift with heel and knee tap with weight on hip X 20 each side
*Dips X 20
*Plank up downs X 15

*Single leg dead lifts with no weight X 15 each leg
*Dead lifts with weight X 20
*Spider plank 
Repeat X 2

*Squat & Press with weight X 10
*Air Squat X 10
*Burpee X 10
*Bicycles X 20
Repeat X 6 for time

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