Walk 5:00 on highest incline
Run 5:00
Bench HIIT
Jump over bench X 20
Bench arm plank jumps X 20 (in a plank position on top of the bench, drop feet down to either side of the bench then land back in plank position on the bench)
Bench toe taps X 40
Plank alt knee raises with feet on bench X 20
Plank alt straight leg kicks with feet on bench X 20
Bench side to side taps X 20 (start standing on bench and alt feet taps to ground)
Repeat X 3
Single leg knee ups bench jumps X 20 each leg
Burpees with a push up X 10
Single leg bridge with foot on bench X 20 each leg, pulsing X 10
Mountain climbers X 50
Leg raises with lifted booty X 20, pulsing at top X 10
Repeat X 3
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