20 minute HIIT on Treadmill
4:00 warm up jog
1:00 sprint
2:00 walk on highest incline (Do not hold on to the treadmill)
1:00 jog
Repeat X 4
Single leg squat and cross X 10 per leg(holding a weight, do a single let squat then cross resting leg over squat leg and squat down)
Stability ball push ups X 20 (feet on stability ball and do a regular push up)
Single leg dead lift and row X 15 each side (at bottom of dead lift, row weights twice)
1:00 Plank
Repeat X 2
Plie Squat jumps X 20 (with weight)
Stability ball single leg bridge X 10 each leg
Stability ball single leg in & out X 10 each leg
Stability ball bridges X 10 (both feet on ball)
Stability ball in & outs X 10 (both feet on ball)
Push ups with weights X 10 (hands on weights in push up position, row each arm back separately then do a push up)
Allen Wells X 20
Repeat X 2
Lunge Jumps X 20 (holding a weight)
Flys & Leg Pulse X 12 each side (Standing on one leg, pulse other leg back while doing chest flys)
Arm Dumbbell Press on stability ball X 20 (lay with back on the ball and do a normal press)
Spider planks X 20
Arm Plank alt knee raises X 20
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