Friday, September 5, 2014

Legs and Glutes

I used heavy weight on all these exercises except for the body weight exercises. I was barely getting 10 reps on most of these exercises. To build muscle, you need to be constantly challenging your body. If you are easily getting 20 reps on a set, your body is not going to see many changes as it is accustomed to this weight.

Squats on smith machine X 10
Lunge on smith machine X 10 each leg
Jump Squats X 20
Skiiers X 20
Repeat X 3

Dead Lifts X 12
Plie Squat with kettle bell X 12
Lunge Jumps X 20
Repeat X 3

Leg press on smith machine X 15
(Laying under rack, push bar up with legs and push all the way up until you are solely laying on your upper back, also working the abs. )
Donkey Kicks on smith machine X 12 each leg
(Laying under rack on all 4s, donkey kick the bar up with one leg)
Repeat X 3

Box jumps X 15
Plie jump squats X 20
Jump rope X 50
180 Jump Squats X 10 each side
Repeat X 3

Hamstring curls and bridges on stability ball until failure
(laying on your back with feet on ball, lift your butt and curl ball in then do a bridge then push ball back out)

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