Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bench HIIT

Walk 5:00 on highest incline
Run 5:00  

Bench HIIT
Jump over bench X 20
Bench arm plank jumps X 20 (in a plank position on top of the bench, drop feet down to either side of the bench then land back in plank position on the bench)
Bench toe taps X 40
Plank alt knee raises with feet on bench X 20
Plank alt straight leg kicks with feet on bench X 20
Bench side to side taps X 20 (start standing on bench and alt feet taps to ground)
Repeat X 3

Single leg knee ups bench jumps X 20 each leg 
Burpees with a push up X 10
Single leg bridge with foot on bench X 20 each leg, pulsing X 10
Mountain climbers X 50
Leg raises with lifted booty X 20, pulsing at top X 10
Repeat X 3

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

High Leg Intensity Treadmill Workout

I know running on the treadmill can be boRRRRing. This is why I always try to spice up my treadmill workouts to ensure I don't get bored and to make the time fly by. Here is a treadmill workout I came up with the other day that left me sore for days. Enjoy! 

Duration: 45 minutes

5:00- warm up (walk or jog)
5:00- run at a faster pace
10:00- Walk on highest incline 
     1:00- forward walk at face pace
     1:00- walk backwards at slower pace
     Repeat for duration of 10:00
10:00- Lunge & Shuffle on 7.0 Incline
     1:00- slow lunges
     :30- side shuffle
     :30- opposite side shuffle
     Repeat for duration of 10:00
10:00- Sprints
     :30 sprint
     :30 rest (can do push ups on treadmill or squats)
5:00- Cool down jog

**Of course I had to rock my rebs soccer tee on a day involving running** HOTTY TODDY**

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Peanut Butter Banana Fudge

I mean really… I think the name says it all for this recipe. Peanut butter, banana, AND chocolate all in one delicious piece of fudge?! YUM!! IT SERIOUSLY DOESN'T GET MUCH BETTER THAN THIS COMBO. Not to mention how darn easy this recipe is. This is definitely a dummy proof recipe, making it pretty hard to mess this one up. ;) Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did! 

1/2 cup organic peanut butter (or nut butter of choice)
2 tbsp melted coconut oil
1 tbsp coconut sugar (or sugar of choice)
1 chopped banana
Enjoy life chocolate chips
Shredded coconut

*Melt coconut oil
*Combine pb, oil, and sugar
*Pour in pan lined with parchment paper
*Place chopped banana pieces throughout mixture 
*Top with chocolate chips & coconut
*Freeze until solid (about 1 hour)


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cardio & Total Body Strength

20 minute HIIT on Treadmill
4:00 warm up jog
1:00 sprint 
2:00 walk on highest incline (Do not hold on to the treadmill)
1:00 jog
Repeat X 4

Single leg squat and cross X 10 per leg(holding a weight, do a single let squat then cross resting leg over squat leg and squat down) 
Stability ball push ups X 20 (feet on stability ball and do a regular push up)
Single leg dead lift and row X 15 each side (at bottom of dead lift, row weights twice)
1:00 Plank
Repeat X 2

Plie Squat jumps X 20 (with weight)
Stability ball single leg bridge X 10 each leg
Stability ball single leg in & out X 10 each leg
Stability ball bridges X 10 (both feet on ball)
Stability ball in & outs X 10 (both feet on ball)
Push ups with weights X 10 (hands on weights in push up position, row each arm back separately then do a push up)
Allen Wells X 20
Repeat X 2

Lunge Jumps X 20 (holding a weight)
Flys & Leg Pulse X 12 each side (Standing on one leg, pulse other leg back while doing chest flys)
Arm Dumbbell Press on stability ball X 20 (lay with back on the ball and do a normal press)
Spider planks X 20
Arm Plank alt knee raises X 20

Monday, March 17, 2014

3:00 Strawberry Chocolate Vegan Mugcake

OH MY- this is one of my new favorite treats. You can substitute the strawberries and chocolate in this recipe for any fruit (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc..). Best thing about this recipe is that it literally takes 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to cook. Mug cakes are suddenly becoming my new best friend. They are so delicious! Enjoy!

1/2 banana
1/3 cup oats
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp almond milk
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp chia seed

* Mash Banana
* Combine all ingredients in a bowl
* Microwave for 3:00
* Turn bowl upside down on a plate to get "cake" out
* Top with your favorite peanut butter (I used wild friends vanilla espresso)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Booty Booty Booty

Squat Jumps
Lunge Jumps
Bench Jumps 
Side to side bench jumps
:20 on :10 off
Repeat X 8

Stability Ball Bridges (feet on ball and bridge up) X 20
Stability Ball bridge in and outs X 25
Stability Ball squeezes (Place ball in between knees and squeeze) X 30 then hold for :30 
1 minute wall sit 
Repeat X 3

Single Leg lunges X 15 each leg (10 pound weights)
Step ups X 15 each leg (10 lb weights)
Plank alt knee raises X 20 (In an arm plank position- bring alt knee to meet alt arm)
1 minute plank 
Repeat X 3

Spider plank abs X 20
Slow Bicycle X 25
Side plank dips X 25 each side
Repeat X 3

Monday, March 10, 2014

Shoulders & Arms

Sorry for not posting a workout in a while! Things have been crazy busy. Anyways.. here is a killer shoulder and arm circuit for you! I used 10 pound weights, a bench, and a stability ball for this workout.

Side note: I post "selfie" pictures on my blog to show you all that consistency is key and transformations do not happen overnight. I have been working out consistently for as long as I can remember and I still have major flaws that bother me. I just remind myself to stick to the plan and I will get to where I want to be eventually. I also highly recommend taking "selfie" pictures to track your progress! Look at your pictures on the days where you feel as though you have made no progress and lack motivation to remind yourself why you started! :)

Incline Walk- 10 minutes

*Push ups on stability ball X 12 reps (Push ball against wall to make it easier) 
*Plank abs on stability ball X 20 (In plank position with hands on the ball bring opposite ball to   opposite elbow)
*Dips on bench with feet on stability ball X 12
*Single leg bridges on stability ball X 15 per leg
*Single leg squats on stability ball with dumbbell overhead push (10 lbs)  X 12 per leg (One leg on ball- squat down on one leg and push dumbbell overhead)
*Plank 1 minute
Repeat X3

* Lunge, pull, & push X 15 each arm- 10 lbs (lunge, bring dumbbell down opposite foot, pull back & push overhead)
*Bench toe taps X 50 
* Plank taps push ups X 10 (tap each hand to opposite arm 2 times then push up)
* Side plank dips X 20 each side
* Wall sit against a stability ball- 1 minute 
Repeat X 2

* Dumbbell press while laying on stability ball X 20
* Chest Flys while laying on stability ball X 20
* Jump squat turns X 10 times (squat 4 times then jump and turn)
* Dive Bomber Pushups X 10 (Start in downward dog & vinyasa down then push back)
*Plank Jacks X 20
Repeat X 2

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shrimp Wraps & Chocolate Chip Cookies

 I get to spend this week with my sissy! She is usually not a fan of my healthy food concoctions, but last night I told her I would make her dinner (a healthy one of course). She was shocked at how good these shrimp wraps were and she didn't even realize they were healthy! These wraps are so simple to make and are actually very filling.  These have also become a favorite dinner choice for Jack and I. We usually make these at least once a week. They are perfect for families that do not have a lot of time to cook or the single college student (was often times me) that is looking for a single serving meal.

1/2 lb shrimp
2 lemons
1 can black beans
1 can chick peas beans
1 avacado
1 mango
lemon pepper
100% whole wheat wraps (whole wheat listed as the first ingredient)

1. Take the tails off the shrimp
2. Saute the shrimp in a skillet with the juice of 1 lemon and lemon pepper to taste
3. Drain the black beans & chick peas
4. Combine the black beans, chick peas, chopped up avocado, chopped up mango, juice of 1 lemon, and lemon pepper in a bowl.
5. Place shrimp, beans mixture & salsa on the wrap! Enjoy!

I then made my favorite cookies for dessert! These cookies are made with 4 simple ingredients. I have not had someone try them yet that doesn't love them. These babies are so good…. I may have overindulged a little. Whoops!

2 bananas
1 cup rolled oats
1 heaping spoonful of almond butter
1/2 cup enjoy life chocolate chips (dairy, nut & soy free)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
2. Mash bananas
3. Combine all ingredients
4. Spoon cookies onto a greased cookie sheet
5. Cook for 10 minutes