Monday, August 11, 2014

Arm Circuit

Push ups X 15
Bench press X 15
Dumbbell pull backs X 15/ each arm
Standing overhead press X 15
X jumps- 20
Repeat X 2

With a medicine ball- squat then throw ball in the air then catch and repeat X15
Standing bent over chest flys X 15
Chest flys while laying in a bridge X 15
Tricep extensions with dumbbells while in a bridge X 15
Lunge jumps X 20
Repeat X 2

Tricep dips X 20
Wide grip lat pull- downs X 15
Close grip lat pull- downs X 15
Cable tricep extensions X 15
Medicine ball jumping jacks X30
Repeat X2

Dumbbell curl X 15
Dumbbell squat & press X 15
Holding dumbbells- straight arm extensions in front then out to the side X 15
Commanders X 12 each arm
Repeat X 2

Cable curls X 15/arm 
Cable pulls X 15/arm
Cable push downs X 15/arm

Stability ball V up then push up X 20
Plank 1 minute
Side to side hip dips while in plank X 20/ side
Medicine ball sit-ups 

Friday, August 8, 2014


Walking into the gym today, I thought today's workout was going to be a much needed easy cardio and stretch day. I was feeling so sore and sluggish, but I knew I had to get in a workout. However, the most amazing feeling came over me towards the end of my workout. As I was 20 minutes into my treadmill workout I was so ready to quit. Literally as I was about to hit the stop button, the song "Who Gon Stop Me" came on. I realized no one can stop me on this journey I'm on. I'm in it for me. Instead of hitting that stop button, I increased the speed and banged out some incline sprints. When that song came on I literally got the chills and the biggest rush of endorphins and thought "mind over matter babyyyy." I have come to realize that mind over matter is an amazing mindset to have. YOU can accomplish so much more than you ever thought when you truly push yourself. I believe in you.. and remember.. MIND OVER MATTER BABY!!

Stair Stepper -30 minutes
5:00 warm up-level 10
5:00 level 15
   1:00 level 25
   1:00 level 20
   Repeat X 3
Level 20
1:00 turned left 
1:00 turned right 
1:00 using only calves
2:00 turn backwards
Repeat X 3

Treadmill- 30 minutes
5:00- run
20 pushups
5:00- run
20 squats, 20 plie squats, 20 close stance squats, 20 squats
5:00- run

5:00 walk on Incline 10 
 1:00 jog on Incline 10
    1:00 walk on Incline 10
 Repeat X 2
    1:00 sprint on Incline 10
   1:00 walk on Incline 10
Repeat X 3

                                                         *Top- Lululemon
                                                         *Skirt- Nike
                                                         *Shoes- Asics Dynamic Duomax (favorite running shoes!)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Total Body Workout

Warm up- 2 mile run

Dead lift to row X 15
Squat to Press X 15
Weighted Bridges X 15
Dumbbell Press X 15
Repeat X 2

Single leg back lunge & arm curl X 15 each arm/leg
Cable arm pulls & lunge X 15 each arm/leg
Side squat & medicine ball press X 15 each side
Ball slams with 15 lb ball X 15
Repeat X2

Single arm dumbbell pull X 15 each side
Knee ups on bench X 15 each leg
Leg raises laying on bench X 20
Repeat X 2

Wide grip lat pull downs X 15
Cable curls X 15
Plie squat jumps X 20
Repeat X 2

Abs until failure
Medicine ball sit up
1 minute plank
Slow bicycles 
Knee tucks on a bosu ball
V ups on stability ball
Sit ups
Side to side with medicine ball 

Supplement Timing

I'm back!! After taking a long break from the blogging world, I couldn't be more happy to get back into it. As I am currently studying to become a Fitness Nutrition Specialist though ISSA, I can't wait to share my knowledge along the way!

Supplements have always been so confusing to me. For this reason, I decided to take a dive into some supplement research so I know what to take for my fitness goals. This being said, supplementing is different for everyone depending on your fitness goals. Here is some general research I found on supplement timing that I found to be extremely helpful. I am still in my first week of implementing these new supplements in my diet, so I will be sure to keep you all posted!

Note that I am not taking all the Vitamins & Supplements on this list. This is just a good guide for Supplement timing as it can often be confusing. I am currently taking: Cellucor Super HD, Whey Protein, BCAAs, Whey Protein Isolate, Multivitamin, fish oil, COQ10, Casein Protein, Magnesium & Zinc (Cellucor ZMA).

Upon waking: Cellucor Super HD

Pre-workout: Whey Shake, BCAAs, Fruit (option: Green Tea Extract, pre-workout, Creatine, Beta- Alanine)

Post-workout: Whey Protein Isolate--> Should contain less than 5g Carbs & 2g of fats. (option: Casein Protein, BCAAs, Creatine, Beta- Alanine)

Breakfast: Multivitamin, fish oil, COQ10 (this is when you should also take Vitamins C, D, E, Calcium, B-Vitamin Complex)

Between Meals: BCAAs, 2nd serving of Cellucor Super HD,  (option: Casein Protein)

Lunch: Fish Oil

Dinner: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium

Before Bed: Casein Protein, Magnesium  & Zinc (Cellucor ZMA)

*Information from highly recommend this site!